Therapy Dogs Empowering Your Life!
Welcome to Shelties and Sunflowers Ranch Rescue, a 501(c)3 nonprofit group.
Shelties and Sunflowers is dedicated to employing shelties and rescue dogs to create and bring forth a life journey that is healthy, happy, and stress free for clients we serve.
Dogs are many times the best friends of people. Based on and research by professional doctors and veterinarians, there is irrefutable science which proves that the human-animal connection improves mental, physical, emotional, and social lives of those we serve.
Shelties and Sunflowers provides animal-assisted intervention using trained and therapy certified shelties (Shetland Sheepdogs) and rescue dogs.
Shelties and Sunflowers is a mobile animal-assisted service with programs that are extended to a wide variety of our clients including:
- In-Recovery Patient and Rehabilitation Patient Assistance
- Seniors and Care Giver Assistance
- Veteran Assistance
- Special Needs Assistance
- Early Learning Children Assistance
- College Student Assistance